Because 関連ツイート
【エロ本】Bob goes shopping for porn mags for his father every day because he is old and has trouble walking.ボブの父親は歳で歩くのが難しいので、毎日父のためにエロ本を買いに行きます
@denaieigo 2018/12/10 02:21
RT @Miyukiko: [FGO] I still can't believe Yan Qing called GaoChangGong a "伝説の超イケメン" (Legendary super ikemen), because I'm shallow I'm going…
@NoTsundere 2018/12/10 03:43
I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really goo #偉人のことばbot by静鉄ライナー
@ijinnnokotoba 2018/12/10 02:39